Using the Foam Roller for just ten minutes a day will dramatically improve spinal posture and correct imbalances in the spine due to sedentary lives and desk jobs that involve a lot of computer work.
Other foam rollers on the market are fantastic for Quad and IT Band or balance work. However, they are made of harder, dense foam, usually 150mm diameter and are not suitable for fine mobilisation of spinal joints as they most commonly span 5 to 6 vertebrae. The HQH Fitness roller is 100mm and is able to span just 2 or 3 vertebrae. This aids in effectively and gently mobilising the spine segment by segment. The inner roller can also be pulled out and used for even finer work, especially beneficial when a user has extreme postural kyphosis of the upper spine.
Once the roller has been used for a little while the smaller inner core may be removed and used separately in situations where 100mm is too extreme. For example, rigid kyphosis in older people.